Bachelor of Landscape Architecture Curriculum
Bachelor of Landscape Architecture Curriculum
The Bachelor of Landscape Architecture (BLA) is a four-year undergraduate first-professional degree composed of three segments - Foundation, Integration, and Synthesis. During Segment I, the curriculum is focused on urban landscapes and is based on an integrated foundation experience, with liberal studies, art and natural sciences incorporated throughout the program.
During Segments II and III students participate in Practice and partake in community work and professional collaboration. Through applied learning, they begin to formulate and refine ideas that will further strengthen their Landscape Architectural studies.
Segment I: Foundation
During Foundation, all entering undergraduate BAC students share their first-year experience and are exposed to fundamental principles of design thinking. Design concepts and a universal spatial language are framed through a balanced mixture of discipline specific courses in design history and theory, written and visual communication, as well as through a wide range of liberal studies, including humanities, arts and science topics that promote critical thinking and social awareness.
Semester 1
- FND1006 CityLab
- FND1008 CityX
- FND1003 Foundation Studio 1
- FND1005 Design Representation
- FND1001 Critical Reading and Research 1
- Open Elective
Semester 2
- FND1004 Foundation Studio 2
- FND2011 Sustainable Material Assemblies
- FND1010 Making and Modeling
- FND1002 Critical Reading and Research 2
- FND2007 Community Practice
- PRV0001 Portfolio Review 1
Segment II: Integration
This second phase of the program examines global, regional, and local spaces and cities through the lenses of urban ecology, infrastructure, landscape design, and sustainable design practices. Studios on housing and mixed-use development, institutional planning, urban design, and the public realm will test these parameters. These studies will then be represented through design media and visualization, as well as through methods of construction technology.
Semester 3
- LAN2001 LA Studio: Ecological Analysis and Conceptual Frameworks
- DME2015 Landscape Representation: GIS and Environmental Design Introduction
- DME2016 Landscape Representation: GIS and Environmental Design Applications
- MNS1003 Botany
- MNS1001 College Algebra and Trigonometry
- HTC1033 History of Landscape Architecture
Semester 4
- LAN2003 LA Studio: Housing and Institutional Planning
- TSM2008 Grading 1: Landforms, Earthwork and Grading
- DME2044 Advanced 2D Digital Visualization
- DME2045 Advanced 3D Modeling and Form
- SSH Social Sciences and Humanities Elective
- HTC1034 Contemporary Landscape Architecture Seminar
Semester 5
- LAN2004 LA Studio: Urban Design and Infrastructure Networks
- MNS2009 Plant Taxonomy
- TSM2009 Grading 2: Principles of Hydrology and Stormwater Management
- SSH1012 Social and Political Theory
- SSH1099 Independent Study Seminar
Semester 6
- Directed Advanced Open Studio OR Directed Advanced Interdisciplinary Studio
- TSM2011 Materials and Methods: Construction Details, Application, and Admin 1
- TSM2012 Materials and Methods: Construction Details, Application, and Admin 2
- MNS2004 Ecology Systems
- SSH1104 Advanced Research Strategies
- Liberal Studies Elective
- PRV0002 Portfolio Review 2
Segment III: Synthesis
The Bachelor of Landscape Architecture program will culminate with the successful completion of a comprehensive design project, as represented through Degree I and II Capstone studios in Landscape Architecture.
Semester 7
- LAN1015 LA Degree Project Studio 1
- Liberal Studies Elective
- Arts Elective
- TSM2013 Public Policy and Environmental Ethics for Sustainable Communities
Semester 8
- LAN1016 LA Degree Project Studio 2
- SUS2022 Sustainable Planting Design and Practices
- TSM2025 Landscape Architecture Professional Practice Frameworks
- Liberal Studies Elective