Bachelor of Science in Architecture Curriculum
Bachelor of Science in Architecture Curriculum
In the Bachelor of Science in Architecture program, you’ll study a wide range of curricular areas divided into sections of foundation, integration, and synthesis. You’ll also complete a hands-on, individualized project that allows you to explore a topic or challenge that speaks to your unique interests.
The BAC's Bachelor of Science in Architecture is designed to lead directly into an accelerated two-year Master of Architecture at the BAC.
Segment I: Foundation
In Foundation, you’ll acquire beginning knowledge, abilities, and understanding in both professional and liberal studies education necessary for all undergraduates. For the first year, this is in a transdisciplinary setting.
Semester 1
- FND1006 CityLab
- FND1008 CityX
- FND1003 Foundation Studio 1
- FND1005 Design Representation
- FND1001 Critical Reading and Research 1
- Liberal Studies Elective
Semester 2
- FND1004 Foundation Studio 2
- FND2011 Sustainable Material Assemblies
- FND1010 Making and Modeling
- FND1002 Critical Reading and Research 2
- FND2007 Community Practice
- PRV0001 Portfolio Review / Practice Assessment
Segment II: Integration
Later, you’ll explore the depth and breadth of the field of architectural design with an emphasis on integrating skills, knowledge, and understanding. For this reason, courses are sometimes paired; for example, a student designing a building for studio will use it as a case study for a building technology class.
Semester 3
- ARC1001 Architecture Studio 1
- DME2000 Spatial Thinking
- HTC1050 History of Architecture and Design
- SSH1012 Social And Political Theory
- MNS1001 College Algebra and Trigonometry
Semester 4
- ARC1002 Architecture Studio 2
- SSH1004 Modern and Contemporary Art
- MNS Mathematics and Natural Sciences Elective
- MNS1002 Physics
Semester 5
- DME2100 Representation | Workshop
- TSM1004 Structural 1
- TSM2019 Human Factors, Programming and Codes
- Liberal Studies Elective
- HTC2003 Contemporary Architecture
Semester 6
- Option Studio
- TSM2005 Structures 2
- Open Elective
- SSH1099 Independent Study Seminar
- DME Design Media Elective
- Directed Elective
Semester 7
- SSH1104 Advanced Research Strategies
- SSH1002 History and Modernity: Special Topics
- Arts Elective
- SSH Social Sciences and Humanities Elective
- MNS Mathematics and Natural Sciences Elective
- Practice Assessment: 900 Practice Hours
Semester 8
- ARC1105 Independent Degree Project
- SSH1003 Critical Theories
- HTC History Theory Elective
- Design Elective: Design Media or Workshop
- HTC History Theory Elective
- Directed Elective
Degree Project
At the end of the program, you’ll draw upon your wealth of academic, professional, and extracurricular knowledge and tie it together through an in-depth architectural project. These projects are as individualistic as their makers because you have freedom to research your particular passions and bring them to a project of your own creation.