Master of Landscape Architecture Curriculum
Master of Landscape Architecture Curriculum
The Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA) is a three-year, first-professional graduate program focused on urban landscapes and ecological infrastructure. The MLA professional degree conferred by the School of Landscape Architecture at the BAC is accredited by the Landscape Architecture Accreditation Board (LAAB).
In addition to the courses below, students will participate in Practice and partake in community work and professional collaboration in Segments 2 and 3 of the curriculum.
Segment I: Foundation
Master of Landscape Architecture graduate students share their first semester studio as part of an interdisciplinary experience. You will develop a framework for fundamental design concepts and a universal spatial language through courses in history and theory, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and ecological analysis.
Semester 1
- FND3006 CityLab
- FND3008 CityX
- FND3032 Transdisciplinary Studio 1
- FND3033 Visual Thinking
- HTC3033 History of Landscape Architecture
Semester 2
- LAN2001 LA Studio: Ecological Analysis and Conceptual Frameworks
- DME2015 Landscape Representation: GIS and Environmental Design Introduction
- DME2016 Landscape Representation: GIS and Environmental Design Applications
- FND2011 Sustainable Material Assemblies
- FND3010 Making and Modeling
- HTC3034 Contemporary Landscape Architecture Seminar
- PRV0001 Portfolio Review
Segment II: Integration
Segment II leads to a complex set of spatial problems addressing global, regional, and local aspects of urban landscape architecture. Throughout the program, students explore landscape design and construction technologies, including sustainable infrastructure principles and applications, as well as develop a deeper understanding of cultural parameters through research and scholarly methods.
Semester 3
- LAN2003 LA Studio: Housing and Institutional Planning
- DME2044 Advanced 2D Digital Visualization
- DME2045 Advanced 3D Modeling and Form
- TSM2008 Grading 1: Landforms, Earthwork and Grading
- MNS2009 Plant Taxonomy
- Directed Elective
Semester 4
- LAN2004 LA Studio: Urban Design and Infrastructure Networks
- TSM2009 Grading 2: Principles of Hydrology and Stormwater Management
- MNS2004 Ecology Systems
- SSH3007 Research in Social Science: Topics and Methods
- Directed Elective
- PRV0002 Portfolio Review 2 — 600 Practice hours required
Segment III: Synthesis
In Segment III, students enter Thesis year and a more independent phase of research and study. They formulate individual proposals in an area of professional inquiry, and demonstrate the skills, knowledge and abilities applied to a practical design project. For more information see the MLA Thesis Manual.
Semester 5
- LAN3005 Advanced Landscape Studio | Interdisciplinary Project
- TSM2011 Materials and Methods: Construction Details, Application, and Admin 1
- TSM2012 Materials and Methods: Construction Details, Application, and Admin 2
- TSM2013 Public Policy and Environmental Ethics for Sustainable Communities
- Directed Elective
- LAN3010 Landscape Architecture Thesis Research
Semester 6
- LAN3011 Landscape Architecture Thesis Studio
- SUS2022 Sustainable Planting Design and Practices
- TSM2025 Landscape Architecture Professional Practice Frameworks