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Isra Banks
Isra O. Banks
Senior Architect/ Sustainability, Gannett Fleming | Adjunct Faculty | M.Arch’16

As an architect with over 18 years of experience, Isra has worked on a variety of projects ranging from small public housing to large-scale mixed-use developments.

Her passion lies in creating spaces that function well and enhance their users' quality of life. She has worked on dozens of projects, both public and private. This experience allowed her to understand the unique challenges and opportunities associated with designing and developing mixed-use developments that are both affordable and sustainable. She learned the importance of considering energy efficiency, accessibility, and community engagement in the design process.

Her focus shifted towards sustainable mixed-use developments, which she believes are crucial to creating thriving communities. She has worked on several projects, which involved the integration of residential, commercial, and public spaces. These projects required a deep understanding of the needs and desires of different user groups and how to design spaces that cater to them. Additionally, she has spent a considerable amount of time working on public projects. These projects require a high level of collaboration with community members and stakeholders to ensure that the created spaces meet their needs.

Throughout her career, she has also been involved in feasibility studies, which involve assessing the viability of proposed projects. This experience has given her a deep understanding of the financial and regulatory considerations that must be taken into account when developing projects. Overall, her experience as an architect has allowed her to develop a holistic understanding of how design, sustainability, and community engagement can work together to create spaces that enhance the lives of their users.

Isra has been teaching at The Boston Architectural College since 2018 supporting students by developing their careers and exploring entrepreneurship opportunities.