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Applying as an Undergraduate Student

The Boston Architectural College is delighted to help you take that first step into your dream career in architecture and design. Please follow the instructions below, and contact us at or 617.585.0123 if you have any questions. We’re here to help!

On-Campus Application Requirements

To apply for any of our on-campus undergraduate programs, please provide the following:

Credential Evaluation

Please use one of the following recommended agencies or one approved by NACES.


Your essay gives us the opportunity to learn about you and how you will contribute to the BAC's expectations and values. Our values are based on our mission, which is: "The BAC provides excellence in design education emerging from practice and accessible to diverse communities." With this in mind, please address the following questions:

  1. How does the BAC's mission connect with who you are and why you wish to attend the BAC in your program of choice? (250–500 words)
  2. What are your personal and professional goals, and how will attending the BAC support those goals? (250–500 words)

Artistic Work

The BAC welcomes students with or without professional design experience, so please choose the option that best suits you:

Creative Sample

If you do not already have a portfolio, we ask that you submit an example of creative work that reflects your personality and that you're proud of—this could be a work of visual art, a video, an example of design in any form, a work of research or creative writing, performed or composed music, a selection of photographs, etc. The goal of this exercise is to give us an opportunity to learn more about you.


A portfolio is not required for admission into the BAC. However, if you already have and choose to submit a portfolio, it is best to do so soon after applying for admission.

Note that the BAC does not mail portfolios back to students, and the BAC cannot be held responsible for lost or damaged items. Because of this, students are strongly encouraged to send their work digitally via

Letter of Recommendation

We ask that you provide one statement of support from a personal advocate. This advocate can be an educator, mentor, employer, colleague, or other person who knows you and can speak about you in an academic, professional, or volunteer setting. Please refrain from using a family member.

Deferred Acceptance

Accepted undergraduate students may defer their entrance for up to 2 semesters by informing the Admissions Office in writing. Deferral requests should be submitted as soon as possible, but no later than the end of the first week of the semester for which the student was initially accepted. Upon receipt of the request, the BAC will hold a place for the student in the next entering class.

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