Graduate Exhibit 2023
McCormick Gallery Exhibit

May 25, 2023 - September 10, 2023
McCormick Gallery
For More Info
Events Exhibit McCormick Gallery Exhibit Graduation
The exhibit will be on display at the McCormick Gallery and available virtually.
The Boston Architectural College commends a new generation of socially conscious designers with this exhibit. We present the work of the BAC 2023 degree recipients from undergraduate and graduate programs in Architecture, Interior Architecture, Design Studies, and Landscape Architecture.
At the BAC, we educate students to become public-minded designers who learn from faculty, from professionals and from one another to change and sustain the city. We believe that making and design are tangible forms of applied research that accelerate change in society and in the professions. Shaped by students working and building collectively, our community brings together diverse personal identities and backgrounds that are part of a larger interdisciplinary dialogue, critique, and transformation of place and the larger world. The BAC is celebrated by its accreditors as being particularly mission-driven and committed to social equity through its culturally diverse student body.
The dynamic between ideas and practice in the community is the basis for the meaningful, critical design thinking exemplified in this curated exhibition. The work of these designers directly affects how we will live and envision the future. Our genuine gratitude goes to the faculty members and the practicing professionals who guide our students and who are committed to educational excellence at the BAC. Join us in celebrating the work of these emerging designers!
The exhibit will be on display at the McCormick Gallery and available virtually.
This exhibit will be open from May 25, 2023, through September 10, 2023.
May 25, 2023 - September 10, 2023
McCormick Gallery
For More Info
Events Exhibit McCormick Gallery Exhibit Graduation
The exhibit will be on display at the McCormick Gallery and available virtually.