Library Catalog
Search the BAC's Library Catalog
The BAC’s Library offers specific resources for different audiences, including students (both online and on-campus), faculty, staff, alumni, and the greater public.
Students of the BAC—whether you are taking a single course or an entire degree program—have full and complete access to the Library’s many resources. Explore our collections, search online databases, and contact Library staff with any questions.
View specific Student Library Policies, such as returns, borrowing, fines, and more.
Researching from a distance? Your BAC username and password grants you access to a variety of resources:
Article Requests
The BAC Library will scan and send copies of any magazine or journal article available in our print collections, so be sure to check the Library's online Journal List to see if we own the journal physically, or if we have it available as full-text through one of our databases. If the article you are looking for is not available either in the Library or as full-text online and you would like to request a copy, please submit the Distance Article ILL Request Form.
Book Requests
Distance students are granted the same borrowing privileges as onsite students, and may check out books during their onsite residency or request to have the books mailed to them during the course of the semester. The Library will cover the cost of mailing out books, but students are responsible for returning the books to the Library.
Tips for Book Delivery
How to Request a Book Delivery
If you wish to request that BAC library books be sent to you, please email the BAC Library with the following information:
Book Returns
Distance students can return books by U.S. Mail, FedEx, or UPS. We recommend that your books be returned by a delivery service that will insure and track your material.Until we receive the books, you are responsible for any lost books or overdue fines incurred.
All books should be returned to the following address:
BAC Library
Boston Architectural College
320 Newbury Street
Boston, MA 02115
Borrowing Limit: 15 books
Borrowing Length: 4 weeks
Renewal Limit: End of the semester
Fines Limit: $10.00 or more
Borrowing Limit: 15 books
Borrowing Length: 4 weeks
Renewal Limit: End of the semester
Fines Limit: $10.00 or more
Online Continuing Education (CE) students may have the same borrowing privileges as online certificate program students if they pay a $50 refundable deposit for the semester in which they are currently enrolled. Contact the library for a borrowing deposit form.
BAC Alumni may pay a $65 annual fee plus a $65 refundable deposit per annum to borrow Library materials. The total initial investment for alumni borrowing privileges is $130.
For more information about the alumni borrowing program, please contact the BAC Library at Library@the-bac.edu or 617.585.0154.
Faculty and staff of the BAC have full and complete access to the Library’s many resources. Set up library instruction for your students, request to purchase Library materials, and contact Library staff with any questions.
Course reserves are syllabi-adjacent, required course materials (including books, disks, journal articles, maps/plans, photocopies, and electronic resources) submitted each semester by instructor request. Materials are maintained behind the Library’s circulation desk and are available for in-library use only, so that all on-campus students may access the materials they need at any point during Library hours in order to complete their coursework.
The Library staff will work with you to set up a reserve list for one or any of your current or future classes. Contact the BAC Library at Library@the-bac.edu or 617.585.0154.
Would you like your students to become more familiar with the resources and materials available at the BAC Library? The Library’s information literacy sessions provide library orientation, fundamental search strategies, subject-specific resources, and the opportunity to discuss good information stewardship and the thoughtful evaluation of library resources. Advanced, interactive workshops provide a more focused look at using a particular research tool and advanced research techniques. Librarians will work with you to create a session that is tailored to your students’ specific research needs.
To schedule an information literacy session for your class, please contact the BAC Library at Library@the-bac.edu or 617.585.0154.
If there are articles that you need for research or teaching that the Library does not own in print, we may be able to supply a copy of the article from another library. Interlibrary Loan services are available to all BAC students, faculty, and staff for research purposes.
To place a request, please submit an Article ILL Request Form. NOTE: If you are a faculty member for a Distance or online education program, please use the Distance Article ILL Request Form.
Do you have a recommendation for material that the Library should acquire? The Library welcomes suggestions for purchases of materials that we don’t currently own. We are happy to work with you to fulfill your needs.
Contact the BAC Library at Library@the-bac.edu or 617.585.0154, if you have any suggestions or purchase requests.
Please consult the faculty borrowing policies to learn more.
The Library is open to the public for reference purposes. Materials may be used within the library, on our scanners, and with our photocopier. However, materials must remain in the library when in use by the public. Library resources can only be borrowed by active BAC community members. To visit, please see our current hours.
For use of Memorial Library material, appointments must be made by contacting the BAC Library at Library@the-bac.edu or 617.585.0154.
Search the BAC's Library Catalog
Sign in with your BAC Username and Password in order to renew books online and manage your account.
Explore our database of digital images of architecture, plans, furniture, drawings, and more.
Books and materials that have been placed on reserve at an instructor's request can be found by the instructor's name or the course title.
Our online research guides provide librarian-curated collections of resources for a particular research topic or course.
Conduct remote research using our collection of specialized databases, which provide resources ranging from full text articles to CAD drawings, maps, and more.