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The Registrar is within the Office of Student Services department and serves as your primary point of contact for matters such as course registration, academic policies and procedures as well as transcripts, degree and enrollment verifications, commencement, and more!

All students looking for a transcript request, see below. Alumni looking for a replacement diploma request see the replacement diploma form below.

How Do I…

The following forms are located on the BAC Student Portal under Student Forms:

  • Add/Drop Request
  • Course Withdrawal
  • FERPA Consent
  • Immunization Records Update
  • Incomplete Contract Request
  • Independent Study Contract
  • LOA & Full School Withdrawal
  • Letter Request
  • Name and Address
  • Update Prior Learning Assessment
  • Program Changes

The Boston Architectural College (BAC) has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to provide enrollment and degree verifications. The National Student Clearinghouse can be contacted by visiting or mailing any verification to National Student Clearinghouse, 2300 Dulles Station Boulevard, Suite 220, Herndon, VA 20171.

The BAC has partnered with the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) to provide online ordering services for both print and electronic transcripts. All transcript requests must go through the NSC. Currently enrolled students may access their unofficial transcript through self-service.

Registrar Policies

Definitions of Enrollment Status are based on the following:

Undergraduate Students

  • Full-Time: Undergraduate students must be enrolled in 12 or more credits
  • Three-Quarter Time: Undergraduate students must be enrolled in 9-11.5 credits
  • Half-Time: Undergraduate students must be enrolled in at least 6-8.5 credits
  • Less Than Half-Time: Undergraduate students enrolled in less than 6 credits

Graduate Students in MARCH, MIA, and MLA Programs

  • Full-Time: Enrolled in 9 or more credits
  • Three-Quarter Time: Enrolled in at least 6 credits
  • Half Time: Enrolled in 4.5 credits
  • Less Than Half-Time: Enrolled in less than 4.5 credits

Graduate Students in MDS and MSIA Programs

  • Full-Time: Enrolled in 6 or more credits
  • Three-Quarter Time: Enrolled in at least 4.5 credits
  • Half Time: Enrolled in 3 credits
  • Less Than Half-Time: Enrolled in less than 3 credits

Credit Hour Equivalents

Credit hour as defined by federal regulations is the amount of work that reasonably approximates, but is not less than either:

  • One hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out of class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for a semester or trimester hour, or ten to twelve weeks for one quarter hour of credit (or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time); or
  • At least an equivalent amount of work as required in #1 for other academic activities such as laboratory work, internships, practica, studio work, or other academic work leading to the award of credit hours.

Federal Credit Hour Definition 34 CFR 600.2 DCL GEN-11-06

Change of Name

Students are responsible for informing the Registrar of any name changes that occur while they are an enrolled student. Proof of the name change must be submitted along with a Name Change Form to the Office of the Registrar. International Students should also inform the Designated School Official/Immigration Advisor.

Change of Address

Students are responsible for informing the Registrar of any address changes that occur during a semester. Forms for this purpose are available at the Office of Student Services or on the Registrar webpage. Degree students can complete the change of address request online via student forms. All International Students should also inform the Designated School Official/Immigration Advisor.

Attendance is expected in all classes. Absences are grounds for an instructor to lower a student's final grade.

Full-semester, In-person Classes, and Studios

Three unexcused absences are grounds for an instructor to lower a student's grade one letter, and four unexcused absences are grounds for an instructor to fail a student.

All Half-semester and Summer, In-person Classes

Two unexcused absences are grounds for an instructor to lower a student's grade one letter, and three unexcused absences are grounds for an instructor to fail a student.

Full-semester, Online Courses

If a student fails to participate as required over any three weeks, an instructor may lower a student's grade one letter and if a student fails to participate as required over any four weeks, an instructor has grounds to fail a student.

Half-semester Online Courses

If a student fails to participate as required over two weeks, an instructor may lower a students' grade one letter and if a student fails to participate as required over three weeks, an instructor has grounds to fail a student.

Courses that include On-site Intensive Sessions and Hybrid Courses

If a student misses more than 15% of participation the instructor may lower the students' grade one letter and if more than 20% of participation is missed an instructor has grounds to fail a student.

Please Note: BAC faculty members have the authority to determine the further impact of attendance on grading, as it pertains to class participation missed, which must be stated in the syllabus.

Note: Please check the Withdrawal and Student Refund Check sections under the Tuition and Financial Aid Policies & Procedures of the BAC Catalog to see how not attending courses you are registered for can impact your Financial Aid

Excused Absences

In the case of an accident, illness, or other emergency that causes any absences, a student must inform the Dean of Advising Services, who will review the submitted documentation and notify relevant instructors as needed. Students are always expected to make up any work missed due to absences, even if faculty are unable to make-up contact time. Work-related obligations and/or deadlines are not considered appropriate excuses for absence from class. Students are expected to arrange both their practice and academic curriculum schedules so that neither compromises the other.

Religious Beliefs

Students whose religious beliefs may cause them to miss classes, examinations, or studio reviews must inform their instructors and provide documentation of their religious obligation for the specified date(s). Although students are not penalized for missing class sessions and activities for such a cause, their instructors may require that they make up any missed assignments within a reasonable amount of time and are subject to published deadlines.

The Massachusetts Fair Educational Practices Act (M.G.L.C. 151C, §2B) provides as follows:

"Any student in an educational or vocational training institution, other than a religious or denominational educational or vocational training institution, who is unable, because of his religious beliefs, to attend classes or to participate in any examination, study, or work requirement on a particular day shall be excused from any such examination or study or work requirement, and shall be provided with an opportunity to make up such examination, study, or work requirement which he may have missed because of such absence on any particular day; provided, however, that such makeup examination or work shall not create an unreasonable burden upon such school. No fees of any kind shall be charged by the institution for making available to the said student such opportunity. No adverse or prejudicial effects shall result to any student because of his availing himself of the provisions of this section."

Withdrawal from a class appears as a “W” on academic transcripts and does not affect grade point average; however, the credits remain on the student’s transcript and count toward attempted credits. Students who receive financial aid should contact the Financial Aid Office to assess the consequences of withdrawing from a course. International students must speak with the Designated School Official/ International Advisor prior to withdrawing from a course.

Tuition Refunds are administered according to the Tuition Refund Policy. The amount of the refund is contingent upon the date the student’s written notice is received by the Registrar or Advising Services. Students who have received financial aid while at the BAC must contact the Financial Aid Office regarding an exit interview concerning their rights and responsibilities as student loan borrowers. International students must speak with the Designated School Official/ International Advisor prior to processing a withdrawal.

Course Withdrawal

After the add/drop periods end, students who wish to withdraw from a course must complete and submit a Course Withdrawal form to the Registrar’s Office by the published withdrawal deadlines in the academic calendar.

Note: Informing Instructors, Advising, Deans or Program Directors does not constitute a withdrawal. Course Withdrawals will only be processed after the course withdrawal form has been given to the Registrar’s Office. Failure to attend a course does not result in the course being dropped automatically from the enrollment record. Failure to officially drop or withdraw from a course will result in a failing grade of “RF” (Repeat/Fail) or “NF” (Failure due to non-attendance).

Leave of Absence and Full School Withdrawals

Students may elect to take a Leave of Absence (LOA) or Full School Withdrawal during or after the semester. Students who wish to return to the BAC will be placed on a Leave of Absence. Students that do not wish to return will be withdrawn permanently. Students electing to take a leave or withdraw from the BAC during the semester must do so before the 11th week of the term to receive “W” grades in any ungraded classes. Once final grades have been posted W grades will not be assigned. After the 11th week, students who wish to take an LOA or Withdraw from the college will be placed on leave or withdrawn for the subsequent semester and are not eligible to receive “W’s” in their current classes.

Students on a LOA are allowed a maximum leave of four consecutive semesters in both the undergraduate and graduate programs. Students who would like to return after five or more consecutive semesters away from the BAC will be required to re-admit through Admissions.

Whether taking a Leave of Absence or Full School Withdrawal, students must first meet with an academic advisor, Dean or Director to discuss the academic implications of taking a leave or withdrawing from the BAC. Additionally, students should be familiar with the Tuition Refund Policy when making their decision to withdraw during the semester. International students must also speak with the Designated School Official/ International Advisor.

The LOA/Withdrawal form can be found on the Registrar’s Forms page or from the Registrar’s Office. After obtaining the signature of the academic advisor, Dean or Director, the form should be submitted to the Registrar’s Office. 

Students may access their grades via their Self-Service accounts. Grades will display as soon as they are recorded. Inquiries regarding grades not received or grades in question should be directed to the Registrar. Under no circumstances will grades be released by anyone other than the Registrar. Please review the BAC's grade definitions here.

Course Incompletes

In exceptional cases, students may request a grade of “Incomplete” (I) if they are unable to complete the course requirements within the assigned time. The student must present acceptable evidence of extenuating circumstances which prevented them from completing the coursework. The documentation and Incomplete contract must be reviewed and approved by the instructor. If approved, the student and instructor will both sign the Incomplete Grade Contract and submit to the Registrar’s Office. Students are expected to adhere to the contract and complete the work by the deadline. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure they are actively working on completing the missing work. The grade of “I” must be submitted by the grading deadline for the semester in which the course has run. If the Registrar does not receive a completed form by the final grade deadline, the student will not be eligible to receive an incomplete.

Incomplete grade deadlines cannot exceed seven (7) weeks beyond the end date of the course. It is the instructor’s right to determine whether an “Incomplete” is warranted and when the work must be finished within the maximum allowable time (seven weeks). After seven weeks have passed, if the Incomplete is not resolved through the awarding of a grade for the course, the “I” will automatically change to an “RF” on the student’s transcript. Once a grade is entered that replaces the incomplete, including an “RF” (Repeat/Fail) it cannot be changed. Extending the incomplete beyond the 7-week deadline is possible as outlined by the Extended Incomplete Policy and must be filed by the end of the 7-week Incomplete Deadline.

Extended Incompletes

Requests for extensions beyond the seven-week Incomplete period may be made for only extremely serious extenuating circumstances, usually related to health or family issues. These extenuating circumstances must occur during the seven-week incomplete period. The instructor and the supervising Educational Director or Dean of School must both give approval for the extended incomplete. The approved request must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office prior to the end of the seven-week Incomplete Period. A student must submit documentation supporting their request. This contract serves to document support from the instructor, as well as from the relevant Educational Director or Dean of School.

An Extended Incomplete Contract (available in the Registrar’s Office) must be filed with the Registrar. The contract must have a new incomplete deadline and must be signed by the student, instructor and the supervising Educational Director or Dean of School. This contract must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office prior to the end of the 7-week Incomplete Period. Course extension contracts may only run through the end of the following semester in which the incomplete was entered.

Once an extended deadline is established, if the grade continues to remain unresolved past that deadline, an RF will be recorded on the student’s transcript and will be factored into the GPA and/or studio GPA accordingly. Once the grade is entered, it cannot be changed.

Grade Change

Grades are assigned and changed only by the instructors. In extraordinary cases, the appropriate School Dean may intervene (see the Grade Appeal Policy). Grade changes may only be made for reevaluation of completed work and must be submitted to the Registrar’s office by the end of the following semester. Students may not submit new work to receive a grade change unless the student has received the grade of Incomplete and it is within the incomplete period. Reference the Course Incomplete policy in this catalog.

Grade Appeal

A student may appeal a grade they believe was awarded unfairly. A student should first contact the instructor to clarify his or her reasons for awarding the grade. If a satisfactory resolution is not achieved, the student may contact the appropriate academic program director, who will review the student’s complaint to ascertain the merits of the complaint.

In cases where a director ascertains that the appeal has merit, the director will meet with the instructor to allow him/ her to review the student’s grade. In unresolved cases, directors may also review the student’s work him/herself and award a new grade. Grades may be challenged only through the end of the semester following the one in which the disputed grade was earned.

In unusual circumstances, the student may request that the VPAA review the director’s decision. The VPAA will only review the director’s decision if the student feels that the director did not follow the appeals process properly or that the director’s decision was based on personal bias. The original appeal should not be submitted; instead, a new appeal, outlining the reasons for the super appeal — consistent with these stated guidelines — should be submitted to the VPAA within ten business days of the director’s notification to the student. The VPAA will investigate the super appeal and may request a meeting with the student. The VPAA will then issue a final decision, which cannot be further appealed, within ten business days of the conclusion of their investigation.

Pass/Fail Option Guidelines

A student may request a pass/fail option for "extra" courses not required for graduation. All electives except designated CBE courses required for graduation must be taken on a graded basis. Degree students are not permitted to audit classes. A pass/fail option for degree required courses are those courses offered through Competency Based Education (CBE) only. Those courses are set as pass/fail.

By the end of the add/drop period, interested students must fill out a Pass/Fail Option Form, have it signed by an advisor and the course instructor, and return it to the Registrar. Forms can be obtained from the Registrar's Office. No changes either to or from pass/fail grading status will be allowed after the add/drop deadline. Pass/fail courses are charged on a regular tuition basis and appear on a student's transcript.

Competency Based Education (CBE) Courses: 

CBE courses are online, self-paced courses with faculty supervision. Students enrolled in CBE courses learn at their own pace and are required to demonstrate mastery of certain skill levels as defined by each CBE course. CBE courses measure skill and learning rather than time in the classroom. CBE courses are taken as a Pass/No Credit course. For CBE courses only, a passing grade is defined as 80%.

Spring and Summer 2020 COVID 19 Pass/Fail Grading Policy

Due to the COVID-19 crisis that began during the spring 2020 semester, all spring BAC classes went completely online as of March 30, 2020 and continued online for summer 2020. In light of the crisis, the BAC adopted a special set of grading policies for all students for the spring and summer 2020 terms. They were as follows:

  • For all courses that were designed to be assigned letter grades, students were given the option to designate any, all, or none of their courses as pass/fail classes after their final letter grade was assigned.
  • The grade of Pass (P) is defined as the grade of D or higher, and counted towards the student's degree. Any grade lower than a D is defined as a Fail (RF).
  • Consistent with current BAC policy, the grade of P does not calculate into the student’s GPA, however the grade of RF does.
  • All graduation Honors & Awards for Spring 2020 graduates were calculated as they were normally done.
  • If no request to change to pass/fail grading was submitted by the semester deadline, the letter grade is part of the student’s final transcript

Repetition of Courses

A student may repeat any course in which s/he has received a grade of "RF" or "NF". Upon passing the course, the original grade will convert to "NC" and the new grade will be used in computing the student's GPA. However if a course is re-taken more than once, only one of the failing grades may be replaced with the "NC" grade. Therefore one or more failing marks will remain on the transcript.

Filing for Concurrent Transfer Credit

Concurrent academic transfer credit may be awarded for courses taken at other institutions while a student is enrolled in one of the BAC's degree programs.

Any course taken outside the BAC must be pre-approved by the Transfer Credit Coordinator to ensure that it will meet degree requirements. The following steps must be taken:

  1. Email a request to the Transfer Credit Coordinator requesting pre-approval. Specify which degree requirement the course is intended to fulfill and include the name of the college, the number of credits or credit hours and full course information, including a course description. Students will be notified of the decision within a week of submitting the required documents.
  2. Have the Registrar at the host school send an official transcript to the BAC's Registrar's Office after the course has been completed.

Note: Students receiving financial aid must complete additional procedures through the Financial Aid Office before registering for a course offered by another college.

In the case of design courses taken elsewhere, pre-approval is not fully granted, as the awarding of transfer credit is contingent upon a review of the student's work upon completion of the course. It is advisable to meet with the appropriate program director well in advance of course registration, to gain a clear understanding of the expectations for being awarded possible transfer credit.

Waiver of Course Requirements

Transfer credit is not the same as a waiver. Transferred credits fulfill specific course requirements, whereas a select group of requirements may be waived if the student can demonstrate that s/he has the competence that the course seeks to instill. The definition of "competence" is determined by the BAC. To obtain a waiver, students meet with their Academic Advisor for direction to the appropriate education director who will detail the required materials the student must submit. If the materials meet the learning outcomes, the course requirement is waived and the student does not have to take the course; however, the credit-hour requirement must be fulfilled within the same curricular area as the waived course.

Transferring Credits from Another School or BAC Continuing Education

If you are hoping to transfer credits to the BAC from another school you attended or from Continuing Education at the BAC, please review the transfer credit information on the Transfer to the BAC page. Here you will find information about the following:

  • Time limitations for transfer credits
  • Requirements of courses to be transferred
  • Petitioning for practice hours from prior to enrollment
  • Policies regarding transfer credits from Continuing Education at the BAC
  • How courses are treated if you need to reactivate your enrollment

If you have any questions or need to submit materials related to transfer credits, please contact or 617.585.0377.

If you have any questions related to math, physics, or writing waivers, please contact or 617.585.0174.

For general questions related to waivers, please contact your Academic Advisor.

Program Change

Students who wish to transfer into another BAC degree program are encouraged to discuss their options with their current Dean of School or academic advisor to best understand what is required to complete their current program, and to discuss with the new Dean of School what the new degree requirements would entail. To transfer, a student should initiate the request by meeting with the Dean of the School they wish to change into and submit the completed Program Change Form to the Registrar’s Office. All program changes will go into effect for the next enrolled term. Transfer credit from one program to another is based on the program Dean/Director discretion.

The MDS and Online M.Arch program have specific requirements that differ from other BAC graduate programs. A graduate student who wishes to transfer from any BAC master’s program to any of these programs must discuss their transfer with the program director and provide any necessary documents for the transfer to be approved.

The Family Education Rights & Privacy Act of 1974, commonly known as FERPA, provides that all records pertaining to a student that are maintained by the college must be open for inspection by the student and may not be made available to any other person without the written authorization of the student.

The following items are considered Directory Information and may be released without the written consent of the student: name, address, telephone number, enrollment status, dates of attendance, major, and degree conferred (including dates). The Boston Architectural College may disclose these items without prior written consent, unless notified by the student in writing to the contrary. Nondisclosure stipulations remain in effect until removed in writing by the student, even if the student has withdrawn or graduated. A request form to prevent disclosure of Directory Information is available to students from the Registrar's Office.

The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (the Buckley Amendment) requires all institutions of higher education to inform their students of their rights under the Act and of its basic provisions. The BAC has adopted the following policy:

Any present or former student has the right to inspect and review any and all official records, files and data directly related to that student-including all additional material that is incorporated into the student's cumulative file, subject to certain limited exceptions set forth in the Privacy Act. The student has the right to challenge the contents of his/her educational records and also may request a hearing for this purpose if a resolution is not achieved through informal channels. The BAC shall endeavor to ensure that the records are not inaccurate, misleading or otherwise in violation of the privacy rights of other students and shall provide-through informal and formal channels-opportunities for the correction of any errors. These provisions for inspection and review do not apply to applicants for admission. All admission materials received by the BAC become the property of the school and will not be returned to or photocopied for applicants.

BAC policy forbids the release of personally identifiable records, files or personal information contained therein, without first obtaining the written consent of the student, to any individual, agency or organization other than those acting within their responsibility for the student's interest and for the integrity and/or the improvement of the BAC's programs. Such individuals may include educational and administrative officials of the school; members of the Scholarships and Awards, Appeals, and Thesis committees; and Portfolio and Practice Component reviewers.

Beyond the exceptions stated in the Privacy Act, no one outside the BAC is given access to student records without the student's written consent. However, accrediting agencies carrying out their function, and certain state and federal officials named in the Act, are permitted access; disclosure is also permitted in other limited circumstances, such as to comply with a lawfully issued subpoena or court order or in connection with a health or safety emergency. (A record of disclosures will be maintained in accordance with the requirements of the Privacy Act; students may inspect and review this record.) Unless otherwise permitted by the Privacy Act, the BAC may release only the student's name, enrollment status, dates of attendance, major and degree received (if any).

The Registrar of the BAC is responsible for academic records. Students who wish to review or have copies made of their educational records may do so upon written notice to the Registrar. Copies will be made at the students' expense and within 45 calendar days or less.

Students who disagree with an entry in their files should attempt to resolve the difference with the Registrar. Failing resolution, they may petition the Appeals Committee for a hearing to amend their formal records. Such hearings are normally held within 30 days of the receipt of the petition. If the BAC declined to amend the record, a student may place a statement in the record commenting on the contested information or stating his/her disagreement with the BAC, or both. Students may file a complaint regarding violations of the 1974 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act by writing to the Family Policy Compliance Office, US Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20202-4605.

Need More Assistance?

Contact the Registrar
320 Newbury Street in the
Student Services Suite.